Living with Grandma. What does it really mean to support Kinship Placements?

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The Wayne State University School of Social Work Office of Continuing Education invites child welfare workers, family preservation workers, foster care workers and adoption services to attend one of our specialized child welfare trainingsWe are excited to host the Director of the Kinship Care Resource Center, Beth Lindley, LMSW, MSW and lived experience expert and kinship caregiver, Deborah Henley for this training titled "Living with Grandma. What does it really mean to support Kinship Placements?". 

Nationally, states are developing evidence-based Kinship Navigator Programs to obtain Federal support for kin-first care to children within and outside the child welfare system. Kinship care is preventive care, as it provides important protective factors for children when faced with separation from their biological parents and it is significantly less costly than the statutory removal of children from their families. Participants will learn about the complexity of kinship at the intersection of child welfare, appreciate the array of challenges faced by caregivers when they take responsibility for raising the children of their relatives, and understand the services available to support them.  

CONTINUING EDUCATION: Attendees can obtain 3 social work CECH upon completion of the training, payment receipt and passing of the post-training quiz. A CECH certificate will be emailed within 7 - 10 business days after the event.

COST: Free to all MDHHS workers and MDHHS contracted private agencies; $10 students; $45 all others

All attendees must RSVP for this training. Attendees will receive the Zoom link via email upon completion of the RSVP.


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