Giant Step Teen Conference

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Giant Step Teen Conference
Brought to you by the Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute at Wayne State University

RSVP with Student Names by Friday, Oct 4.

Giant Step Teen Conference brings teenagers together from diverse backgrounds to discover all the issues they have in common. Public, private, charter, parochial, and even home schools from across southeast Michigan have sent thousands of students to Giant Step. Students come from different neighborhoods, cultures, races, incomes, and outlooks.

Please click the RSVP button above to register students for the Giant Step Teen Conference on Tuesday, October 29 in the Student Center of Wayne State University. 

Event day check-in begins at 9am. The conference program begins at 9:30am. 

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Do you wish to receive CE credits in social work or education for attending the concurrent Professional Development workshop? *