Humanities Center Coffee Hour Series: Layla Saatchi

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The WSU Humanities Center invites faculty, students, staff, and the community to a Coffee Hour given by Layla Saatchi (Assistant Professor, Honors College) on the topic of "Israel and Palestine on Campus".


Many members of our campus community are personally connected to Israel and Palestine; therefore, it is inevitable that the politics of that region will reveal itself on campus. On April 26, 2024, students demonstrated during the Board of Governor’s (BOG) meeting, demanding that the Student Senate Resolution 2324-24 and Resolution 2324-03 be added to the BOG agenda. Pro-Palestine demonstrations have also engendered fear and anxiety among Jewish students, faculty and administrators. Despite these differences, our shared humanity demands that we recognize prejudicial and ideological views that make equitable and inclusive spaces impossible. Currently, media is dominated by the false narrative that Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and that criticism of Israel is equivalent to antisemitism. This coffee hour aims to transcend largely ideological public comments and instead work towards advancing understanding and knowledge. 

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